Monday, February 27, 2012

Ideeho and Other Things. . .

 Last weekend we made the journey up to Idaho to see Grandma and Grampy B.  We had such a great time!  It was so fun for Treagan to see them, and they always take the best care of us.  As if the gourmet meals and help with babysitting weren't enough. . . They gave Kelly a bunch of money to take Treagan and I on a HUGE SHOPPING SPREE!  We were both in need of some new clothes, and they were so sweet to send us to get so many things for both of us! SO MANY THINGS.  I'm talking several pairs of pants and shirts for me, and several for the little guy too.  We can't thank them enough for all that they do to help our little family.  Oh how we love them!  Me and Kelly (and Trey) were in THE worst moods driving home from Idaho because we were so sad that our fun weekend with them was already over.  It always goes by way too fast.  I wish I had taken a pic of the Grandparents with the baby, but of course I didn't think to.  The only pics I got of them were when we were playing with our new i pad that they got us for Christmas. . . Hopefully they won't kick me out of the family for this, but they are just so funny, I had to share!!!
Sleeping in the bathroom :)
Loves the remote
Taking a nap with Mommy while Daddy and Grandpa work in the shop
Sportin one of his new outfits. . .  ready for summer!
We found out that oranges are his favorite food.  

Trey did a big fashion show for Gma and Gpa, it was hilarious!
Little studmuffin! 

Such a trooper for the long car ride, ready to be out of the carseat though!
Can't believe how much you have to pack for a baby!
Thank you for having us Gma and Gpa!  We had a great time!
This last Friday Trey had his little buddy Jackson over to play.  Man, it was so cute to watch them together!  They are only a day apart and seriously were acting like they've been best buddies forever.  Thanks Melissa and Jackson for coming all the way down here to see us!  We loved it so much and are so lucky to have you two as our friends!!!
Cutest boys in the world
Just checkin each other out
Then on Saturday, Kelly and I took Treagan with us on our date to the Riverwoods.  We put Trey in the booster seat next to our table and he sat there like a big boy the entire time!  He was so good and we had so much fun with him feeding him pieces of roll and mashed potatoes.  We are ridiculous but we just can't get enough of this kid!  We aren't sure if it was the few little drops of Diet Coke that Daddy gave him during dinner, or if it was all the bread he ate, or WHAT!??  But we brought him home and did the same bed time routine we always do, and he always goes right down to sleep at night!  Never once in his life has he put up a fight to go to bed.  But last night he was being completely crazy!   After he ate I kissed his little cheek and put him in his crib just like always, and as I was creeping out of his room I heard him giggle. . . "That was weird I thought."  But I thought he'd quickly put himself to sleep.  So Kelly and I climbed in bed to watch a show and we could hear him just squealing and laughing in his room for the longest time, so we finally brought him in bed with us and he rolled all over the place just cracking himself up!  He was so hyper and he stayed up til TEN!!!  He's never done that.  But we had so much fun with him.  He's the bestest boy in the world!
And now I just need to post a few random pics. . . 

The best walking buddy in the world

He can't already be learning how to stand up against things!!!
Can Trey come out and play yet?
Watching Baby Signing Time. . . Thanks Uncle B and Aunt Amy for sharing!
Trying on his new swimmer suit!
Every time we wrinkle our nose at him he does it back.  I love it!
These days diaper changes have to be quick or he's outta there!
First time riding like a big boy in the shopping cart

Wearing our new clothes
   Then today, (Sunday) we went up to my mom's house for Cannon's bday party.  We can't believe that boy is already 1 year old!  He devoured his spaghetti and chocolate cake, and Trey even had a few bites as well.  It's fun to see them play with each other.  I remember how much I loved my cousins growing up and just hope he and Canno do the same!  They play well together so far, minus a couple punches to each other's faces every now and then.
He LOVES Grammy!
First taste of spaghetti. . . He must have some of our Italian blood cuz he loved it!
The Birthday Boy! 
Can't believe our little nephew is ONE!
Playing with Cannon's balloons
Bye bye Canno, Happy Birthday!
And for next weekend, it's the first Saturday of the month!  YAY!!!  DATE NIGHT!  It's Kellster's month to plan it so I am not quite sure what we are doing, but here's the note I got from him today. . .

I'm excited for our date,
we will need Melissa's help as it will run a little bit late.
Dinner will be at five,
and then it's off for a little drive!
Wear clothes for this time of year,
and you may want to bring a change in case you pee from a little fear!
Get excited!!!

Hahaha, some of you probably think we are dorks, but guess what!?  I don't even care.  I love us!  And I love HIM.  He puts a lot of thought and effort into his dates and we always have the best time.  I am totally excited!  Goodbye!


  1. This was such a cute post! I loved all of it. And was just a little jealous of your shopping spree.
    Ps I didnt know you did the date night every month thing that is so great. We need to copy you guys and do that!! Have you always done this or is it since the little guy?

  2. Hey Leesh! Thanks :). We started it the month after he was born. its wayyy fun! Better than the usual weekends of what do you wanna do? I dunno what do yiu wanna do thing ya know? Its fun to have it planned and feel like we are dating . How are things?

  3. Linds! Your little family is adorable. I miss you! I love reading about all your happenings, your little boy is such a stud! Keep in touch!!!!
