Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe we are already celebrating another Christmas!  I think somebody is playing a trick on us and has the time clock turned up way too fast.... But oh im so happy its here.  It is the hap-happiest season of all! We have had a super fun december with our little family, well as much fun as you can have with never ending colds, coughs, and food poisoning.  Ugh I think it's gonna be a long winter unless we can figure out how to get and keep healthy!  Anyway, so thankful for this time of year and for the way it causes me to stop and reflect on all that we have to be thankful for.  Merry Christmas to all of our sweet family and friends! We love you.

Friday, November 16, 2012

15 months

I can't believe our boy is 15 months old already! Time really needs to just chill out and slow down.... Otherwise I'm gonna blink and we will have a newborn here... Yikes! We took T in for his check up a couple weeks ago, and all was well! We are so blessed to have such a happy, healthy, smart, and wild baby! He's definitely a lean machine...
Height: 32.5"   90%
Weight: 22 lbs. 5 oz.   12%
Head: 47 cm.  45%
Big boy goes down all the slides by himself!
Loved playing in the leaves this Fall.
Daddy will take all the cuddles he can get!
We love checking on him at night.  He loves his blankie.
He tries to copy whatever face you make.
Baking with Mama.
Sharing his crackers with Holly Jo.
He LOVES bubbles.
We voted.
Trying to say let's go bye bye before shots.
I love me a baby just in his diaper.
Baby model?
This is his new excited face.  Makes it all day long.    Kills me!
We were shocked that he's such a light-weight, but he's just so freaking mobile! He doesn't stop moving all day. Let's see... A few things about Tay Tay right now....
-He cant live without his blankie and his binkie.
-Mac n cheese, crackers and cheese, grilled cheese, easy Mac, scrambled eggs and cheese, and string cheese is what his diet consists of. Kidding. Kinda.
-His little run is the cutest thing in the world, he shakes his little booty as his legs move.
-His favorite TV shows are Sid the Science Kid, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street, and Doc Mcstuffins.
-Trey still has 4 teeth on top, 4 on bottom, and one giant molar on its way in on top!
-He's really starting to try and talk.... It's adorable.  He can say the first sound of just about any word like "ch" for cheese, "ca" for car, "shhh" for shoes, "nana" for banana, "ba" for bubbles, "sss" for cereal, etc. Its so fun to hear his little voice coming out. And he's consistently saying mama, finally!
-He's obsessed with cars, airplanes, and choo choo's.
-He is constantly reaching for my hand and wants to take me everywhere.
-He's in love with Grammy and lights up when she's around.  Can't blame him!
-He still wrinkles his nose and laughs at just about anything.
-Loves animals and imitating their sounds.
-He would love on Holly all day long if she would let him.
-Major Mamas boy.
-Pretty good little sleeper... 11 to 11 and a half hours at night and still doing two nap, although I think he might be getting ready to ditch the afternoon nap soonish.
-Gonna be a cute big brother... He loves to pick up his animals and toys and bring them to me.  I always catch him squeezing them and then tackling them... Followed by lots of kissing.  He also always tries to feed them and give them his binkies.  I'm a little nervous that he's gonna smother the new baby.

I think I could go on forever about this little dude. We are simply in love with everything about him!  next post will probably be announcing whether baby #2 is a he or a she!  We find out tomorrow!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Halloween, Bebe #2, and Vegas... Oh My!

Getting buried in the corn box!!!
Goodness, as always I have been bad at updating.  But tonight I was looking through my phone and smiling at all the fun times we have had recently, and thought I'd better get a few of them up on the blog.  Also, I did a decent job at documenting my pregnancy with Treagan and we have had fun looking back and remembering all the small things with that first pregnancy, so I thought I should also try and remember a few details about this one too!
My attempt to make ghost pancakes for Halloween breakfast. . . 
We had a super fun Halloween this year.  We had an adult family party a couple weekends before Halloween which turned out to be so much fun!  I think we have a new tradition on our hands.  One of the best parts was how awesome everybody did with their costumes!  Then we ate soups and rolls for din, and had lots of treats that were just delish!  We hung out and chatted and laughed, and then walked around the neighborhood in our crazy costumes.  Then we played hide and seek in the dark.  Oh my, I love my family!  They are all such good sports and it was fun feeling like kids again, and to have a night without the babies.
The Pimp and his knocked up Ho
The Big Lebowski, The Nerds, The Polygamists, Wicked Witch and Scarecrow, and  Pimp  n Ho.
Seriously, could not love our family more!  We missed the few
that couldn't make it!  Next year fa sho!
Then of course Halloween was also fun this year cuz of Trey.  He dressed up as a little dalmatian puppy and was the cutest thing on this planet!  We got plenty of use out of the costume and dressed him up for Daddy's work party, then our ward Party, and of course on Halloween Day as well.  I think he totally loved it.  He caught on to trick-or-treating pretty quickly and would grab a candy, put it in his basket, and then try and reach for more!  It was pretty cute.  He was such a good sport through it all because we knew he had a cold and wasn't feeling his best.  Poor baby.  We also went to Cornbelly's with my fam, and hit Hee Haw Farms a few times this month too.  Kelly also managed to steal me away for a night with a surprise baby-sitter and the Sundance Halloween full-moon ride.  SO AWESOME!  We love Fall. . .  and now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving and visiting Kell's family!
Sundance full moon ride. . . All bundled up! 
Puppy or not, this kid LOVES this toy store at Daddy's work.
Puppy with a binkie?
Looks like a highschool dance pic, haha, but here we are at Kell's work party!
Painting pumpkins with our play group!
Treagan still thinks anything and everything should go in his mouth.
Trey and his little cousin Quinn the peapod!  HAHA!
Are they not the cutest little boys ever!?
Backing up his tractor
Find the corn in the pumpkins!  Got one!
Playing in the corn box with is new friend Annie
He thinks he's so big
Hee Haw!
Cutest little swing!
Kelly insisted that I add this pic. Ugh.  This makes me look like a horrible
mother, just throwing my little baby down this huge slide!  But just look
at Trey's face.  He LOVED it, and wanted to go up even higher!
Handing rocks to Grammy
He loved the blow up play yards until big kids jumped on his head.
Good thing Grammy of the Year jumped in there to save him!!!
This kid can eat a whole Mickey D's hamburger
Laughing at Baba, Gammy, and Char.
He would make a cute girl, with pigtails.
Throwing the babies down the slide.  That's Cannon at the bottom. . . Haha!
Grammy and her boy.
Walking through the corn maze. . . Guess whether we went through
the Obama or the Romney side?  He he.
These two nerds disappeared for half the night, and came
back with their faces painted.   HAHA!  I love them.
Playing tetherball
He was totally worn out after!  He put his own blankie
over him like that on the way home.  Crazy baby.
And onto the next topic. . . Baby number 2!  We had our 12 week appointment last week and we were able to spy on the new little one which was so fun!  Everyone says there is nothing like your first, but so far I have been equally as excited and obsessed about this one as I was with big Tay.  The baby was twirling and rolling like crazy.  I didn't know it was possible, but it looked even more active and crazy than Treagan is!   YIKESSSS!  Haha.  Everything looked healthy and well though which we are grateful for.  The cute little thing was sucking on its thumb the whole time, which was adorable.  Our Doc also said that baby was measuring about ten days ahead of schedule so he will check again at the next ultrasound but might push our due date up a week or two which would be nice!  Kelly and I have decided to give each other a little early Christmas present and do the early gender check at 16 weeks!  That means we find out BOY or GIRL next Saturday, the 17th!  We are pretty excited.  We are kinda thinking its another little guy, but everyone else seems to be sure it's a little girl.  We shall see soon!  Then we are thinking we can announce it to the fam at Thanksgiving.  FUN!  Oh yeah, and not that it means anything these days except for a healthy baby, but its little heart was beating at 160 bpm, which is a little slower than Treagan's was at this point.
Getting a belly lots earlier this time!
Our little thumbsucker!
This pregnancy has been a lot harder on me than my first.  I was definitely nauseous with T the first 12 weeks or so, but never had to deal with the whole puking your guts out thing.  BLAHHH.  I got to know that toilet pretty well the last few months with this pregnancy.  Yuck.  Even talking about it is making my mouth water and feel dizzy.  And man was I SO EXHAUSTED!  So yeah, luckily I've been doing quite a bit better lately and also seem to have gotten some energy back which is super nice!  It was hard for me to feel like a good mom to sweet little Trey when all I wanted to do was sleep or lay down.  But we seem to be back now, so I'm excited!  The other thing that's been a little difficult, but not unlike my first pregnancy, is that I'm so faint!  I have to be super careful or next thing I know I'm waking up on the floor.  It's so weird.  Crazy what pregnancy does to ya!  But we are so excited about this new little one, and can't wait to know for sure what we are having, cuz that just makes it all feel so much more real.  And of course, the best part about it all is planning and getting things ready which will be fun for us to work on!

Then last but not least, we gotta tell ya about Vegas!  I decided to surprise Kelly with a little weekend getaway last week for an early Christmas present.  It was amazing!  It was fun to be able to hang out with just us, but we definitely missed our little guy!  We ate like crazy.  Hit a good buffet the first night, hung out at the pool the next day, steak and lobster din that night, hit the show Cirque De Sole Beatles Love, and then the next day just chilled on the strip a bit, had a bomb breakfast at Hash House a Go Go, and came back home.  It was a quick little trip, but it was perfect!  I love my hub so much and think it's just the best hangin with him!  I love that we are still so in love.  And man, was it good to see our little Tay Tay!
This was the view from our room. . . And we had awesome weather!
This was steak and lobster night. . . NUM NUM.
I definitely got some good pics of our food, this was my banana brown sugar pancake
Kelly's chorizo, jalepeno, egg, and potato skillet hash
This was the only pic we took of us, not our food or our view.  Haha.
Just finished our Cirque de Sole show and loved it!