Friday, February 3, 2012

If the second half is as good as the first half. . .

Big boy waiting for his shots!

I can not believe our boy is HALF A YEAR OLD!!! It's just going by way too fast, and if the second half is as good as the first, we are in for a treat! We are loving every second with this little guy.  We went to his 6 month well check, and he did great.  He was happy and smiley the whole time and actually did better for his shots this time.  He definitely wailed, but once we cuddled with him for a bit, he was fine.  We gave him some Advil a couple times and then he was over it.  Here are his stats:

Length: 27 1/4"  78%
Weight:  16 lbs. 13 oz.  37%
Head Circ:  43 1/2 cm  41%

Couldn't be more perfect!  We totally love this stage.  He just gets more and more fun to be with.  His little nose wrinkles when he smiles, and that dimple in his cheek is to die for.  He has been trying all sorts of new things this past month, and for the most part has done great!  He still loves to be nursed or have a bottle every 3 hours, but doesn't mind the additional meals in between.  He must be ours. . . He LOVES to eat!  So far sweet potatoes, squash, and bananas are his favorites, but he hasn't really refused anything.  We've also tried apples and pears but sometimes I think they are too sour for him.  He still needs rice in his bottles to help with his reflux (which has made a HUGE difference), but he doesn't really like to eat rice or oatmeal from the bowl.  He is so super wiggly all the time, and I think he's going to be mobile before we know it.  He already tries to scoot around and will get on all fours and put his little bum in the air like he is trying to crawl!  YIKES.  He can sit on his own without falling most of the time, but occasionally will take a face plant if we don't catch him quick enough. 

Daddy found this cartoon for Trey. . . It's called Little Red.  He loves it!
Laying on Mommy and Daddy's bed
Everyday life
I think one of his favorite things to do lately is chase poor little Holly around. He thinks it's just hilarious. I will hold him with his feet on the ground and he will bounce and kick his crazy legs like he is jumping and running, and we chase the dog all over the place. Holly loves it too and is such a good sport. It definitely cracks Treagan up.

He is still Mr. Gummers.  No teeth yet, but he is super drooly.  Every time he seems a little fussy I think one must be popping through, but still nothin.  Which is totally fine with me!  I love his gummy smile so much!

He is still sleeping through the night (most nights).  He usually will go 10-11 hours without a peep!  Sometimes he wakes up an hour or so after he goes down and cries. . . It's so hard not to rush in there and scoop him up!  I really think he just misses us.  Trey doesn't know this, but Mommy and Daddy are always right on the other side of his door listening to his cries, trying so hard not to go in there.  But he usually soothes himself back to sleep and goes the rest of the night through.  Or sometimes he just needs to be flipped back over or resituated.  I love it when he wakes up in the morning and eats, and then goes back down so I can sleep in, but usually once I go in there, he's so happy to be up that he wants to play instead of go back down.  So we bring him in our bed and watch the Today show until Kelly has to get up and get ready for work.  He is still not the best napper in the world, but I guess I should just be grateful he does so well at night!  And maybe we should take it as a compliment that we are just so fun to be around during the day, that he doesn't want to go without us very long!!!
Getting ready for some dinner!
Having a sip of Daddy's Diet Dew
He has been making this face a ton lately!  So cute.
His favorite snack right now. . . Baby Mum Mum rice cakes.
We can't wait for summer so he can rock  the no shoes and no shirt more often!
T dawg
Playing with the paper at his doctor apt.

Happy HALF BIRTHDAY Baby Boy! We love you so much.


  1. Yay!! Happy 6 months handsome boy!! Love all the darling pics and LOVE his cute face even more!!

  2. He is so adorable! And so big already! Can't believe he is 6 months. Happy birthday cute boy!

  3. He is so cute Linds! I am loving all the pictures. Crazy crazy that our boys are 6 months. I can't figure out where the time went! And... he has SO much hair! It looks awesome! Jackson's hair is so wispy, I want it to be thick like Treagan's :) What an adorable little man. Happy 6 Months Treagan Boy!!
