Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Well. . . Sweet Baby Treagan O Behunin has arrived and we couldn't be happier about it! So it all began early Tuesday morning, August 2nd. We had to be to the hospital at 7:30 for our 9 am C-section. We got to the hospital, got all checked in and within a couple hours I realized I was being wheeled back into the O.R. and that within moments our little one would be here at last! I can't even begin to describe the feelings this mama to be was feelin. I got the spinal block (piece of cake, seriously), and then they layed me back and put a huge curtain up in front of my face. And then finally I look up and I see the man of my dreams, there with me. I guess they don't let the dads back during the epidurals anymore since so many of them would pass out. Anyway, suddenly I felt a million times better. Even with his big puffy white sterile hat, he was the cutest thing in the world. I needed him there. I stared into his eyes as he watched over the curtain at what they were doing to his wife. He had the most adorable look in his eye. I was pretty nervous and shaky and well um. . . crying. But then he'd lean down and wipe my tears or kiss my cheek and give me a little update on what was going on. "They just broke your water. . . I can see the head. . . your doing great, etc."
And then everything was a blur. . . All of a sudden my source of comfort was gone. Kelly was taken over to the baby who was having a hard time breathing. They rushed him over to the corner of the room and did their best to stimulate the little guy. I was praying harder in that moment than I think I ever have. I stared up at the ceiling while they stiched me up. I felt alone and afraid. And then I heard his sweet little cry. Then I heard them shouting out things. 6 lbs. 5 oz!!! 18 and 1/2" long!!! I cried in relief. He was here at last. But how I longed and ached to be able to see him and cuddle him. I didn't realize that I was still going to have to wait another couple hours. YES I said a couple hours! Rude huh? Kelly picked up the little wrapped up burrito and on his way down to mother/baby he stopped and showed me my son. So at least I got a peek. (K and I'll just say. . . my first and honest thought was that he resembled E.T.) I had maybe 10 seconds to look into his face and then they were gone. I stayed and got all stitched up and then they wheeled me into recovery. Luckily my sweet angel mama was there waiting for me. I needed her in that moment I think more than ever. She hugged me and told me how proud she was of me. Then I saw my little sis walk in. So great to see her too! Then they pulled out the video camera that Kelly had taken into the O.R. and showed me my sweet baby.
I was exhausted but so anxious to meet my little one. Finally I was doing well enough to be taken down to mother/baby. I had all sorts of feelings going on. Part of me couldn't wait to see him and Kelly again. The other part of me was nervous. I had heard tons of new moms tell me of the difficulty they had bonding with their baby. I was scared I'd be one of those, especially since I was having a hard time even believing he was mine since I hadn't actually had to go through labor and see him come out. But then they brought him in. IMMEDIATE LOVE. I held him in my arms and finally understood what the love of a mother really feels like. I then had the opportunity to feed him for the first time. He did great. Latched right on and looked up at me with the biggest bluest eyes I'd ever seen. I got to cuddle him skin to skin and could actually feel my heart melting.
Anyway, the whole thing was an amazing experience. One I will never ever forget. We stayed at the hospital for 5 days, which was such a blessing! I totally enjoyed every second we spent there, and was grateful for the extra help while I was trying to recover. Then on Saturday morning we brought our little man home. And the rest is history. Our little family has never felt more right! The Spirit this little man has brought into our home is incredible. Even when he's screaming and swearing at me at 4 in the morning to feed him. Or when he toots and explodes right when I open his diaper. He's the most perfect thing I've ever seen and we are so blessed to get to be his parents! Welcome home Baby Trey! We love you!

Arriving at American Fork Hospital

So nervous slash so excited

Me and my Mama

The Mommy and Daddy to be. . .


Kelly getting all scrubbed up and sterile for the O.R.

Just chillin. . . He's such a good boy!

Getting checked out by the docs

Father and son in the O.R.

Seeing my boy for the first time

First family photo

Headed home. . .

Packing up our stuff

Grandma B

Grandpa B

Aunt Allie Baba

Takin a family nap

We made it home from the hospital

Just tryin to wake up. . .

Gettin loved on by Grammy

Me and my baby

Cuddling up with Daddy

UH OH. . . Bath time

Grammy giving Trey his first bath

How can you not laugh when you look at that face?

So fresh and so clean


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the pictures!!! He's adorable. Congrats!

  2. Aw! He is sooo sweet! I can't wait to see him again. Glad you are doing great. You're a natural momma! Love ya!

  3. Linds I am not going to lie I totally cried a little while reading this :) We'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones! I am so happy for you! You are such a cute Mom! I am so glad everything went well and you are home! I have been thinking a lot about you guys this last week! Love ya!

  4. Congrats girl! I'm SO happy for you, that all went well and little baby boy is finally here! I cried a little too when reading this. :) He is adorable! I never doubted he would be.:) Congrats again!

  5. Trey is adorable! And I cried as well reading this:) Congratulations!

  6. He is beautiful and we can't wait to meet him.

  7. OMG - Lindz! He is sooooooo cute! I am seriously dying over him right now. I want to smoosh him with cuddly hugs! aww, so dang cute. Congrats you two. You made one adorable baby. I am so happy for you. Love you both! xo
