So we found out this week that IT'S A BOY!!! We couldn't be more excited, especially daddy. Ahhh they are going to be the cutest pair ever. I just can't wait to see them together! I gotta say I'm super excited to meet my little man too. We love him so much already! So yeah, we had our 16 week apt, and our Dr was looking around in there, talking all about how perfectly healthy things were looking. Then he announced the heartbeat at 150 bpm. Went way down from last apt. So then of course Kelly gets really excited and says out loud, "That's my boy..." Then I hear Dr. Haskett mumble something like, "Umm yeah you might be right!" Then he starts focusing in on the little guy who was just showin off what he's got and it was confirmed. "There's one leg, there's another, and that third thing in the middle isn't a third leg!!" Hahaha. WHAT!!? I was completly in shock, still am to be completely honest. I wasn't expecting to find out so soon, but I guess our little Trey was proud to show his mommy and daddy that it really was him. Wow, this is such a fun time! I can't even describe all the feelings I am feeling. Just feel so lucky to be able to be the mom and to get to be the safe little home for Treagan's first 9 months. It's just an amazing feeling. Anyway, here's what our Treagan O Behunin has us experiencing here in the Behunin household:
-Trying to make it through the night without having to get up to eat, or use the potty, or both.
-Eating lots of cereal, sour things, eggs, and well really just about anything.. that gets there fast.
-Praying for snow shacks to please open soon.
-Still trying to keep life at home as close to the same as possible, maybe not quite as many home cooked meals, but trying not to let my little family starve.
-Definitely growing! Gaining weight like a champ :)
-Little bit less tired, and definitely less nauseous. Feel great actually!
-Looking forward to our 20 wk apt on March 24th to make sure they are absolutely sure it's our little baby Trey, and to reaffirm my worry wart self that all is well.
The Daddy:
-Giving lots of backrubs already.
-He is the DISH KING these days, I love him for it. I dont' think I've done the dishes in several weeks. He jumps up after dinner and does them while I take a bath. So sweet.
-Being patient while I wake us all up several times a night to go to the bathroom.
-Working out tons, getting hot and buff, while I move in the opposite direction.
-Listening to all my ideas about baby stuff and is an awesome sport! I am actually starting to wonder if he spends as much time as I do looking at all the cute baby stuff out there.
-Now that we know what 'it' is, I think it's seeming more real to him and he's starting to talk to my belly and give all sorts of hugs and kisses. Cuuuute.
-Still being the best dad ever to Holly Jo.
Holly Jo:
-Every time we ask her if she's excited to be a big sister and mention Treagan she wags her tail.
-Gaining weight at about the same rapid pace as her mama. We were told she was supposed to be about 5 pounds full grown and she's well over 8! Thata girl.
-Gets up with me in the night when I go downstairs to have my cereal. I think she's totally liking it.
-Cuddles up with mama in bed when I'm tired or not feeling awesome.
Baby Trey:
-16 weeks old this week! According to Baby Center, he's the size of an apple.
-Still not letting his mommy feel his kicks, but moving around like crazy.
-Not measuring AS big as he was at the other appointments, thank you Trey, now I can relax a little.
-Proud to show the goods at our apt. We're so excited to have a BOY!